204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca

WTA Committees

WTA Committees

Annual General Meeting – This committee is responsible for bringing forward any bylaw, policy changes, or action resolutions, for consideration at the Annual General Meeting of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society. The AGM, or Provincial Council, consists of representatives from each of Manitoba’s 38 local associations, and is the ultimate decision making body of the MTS. Resolutions recommended by this committee also must pass through Executive and Council. The committee is also responsible for the organization of our delegation, including training, accommodations, and hospitality.

Finance – The principal job of this committee is the creation of an annual budget, and recommended fee. The committee is also responsible for granting committee over-expenditures throughout the year.

Group Benefits – This committee reviews the BlueCross plans and makes recommendations to the MTS Group Benefits Standing Committee to improve and enhance the plan. They also plan WTA Maternity/Parental/Adoptive leave seminars.

Bargaining – This committee will be established upon each round of provincial bargaining. Guests may be invited to attend meetings at the discretion of the chairperson. Regional meetings and Bargaining seminars will be a requirement for members of this committee to attend and participate.

Wellness – The WTA provides wellness grants to schools for a variety of activities. This is the committee who is responsible for reviewing and approving grants.

Workplace Safety and Health – This committee discusses issues related to Workplace Safety and Health of importance to our members. The Chair also sits on the Central WSH Committee of the Winnipeg School Division.

Reception – This committee is responsible for planning social events, including, but not limited to the annual Retirement Reception.

Substitutes – This is a committee for our substitutes. Subs are provided up to three representatives to attend Council meetings in a voting capacity. These three are elected at the Substitute General Meeting. The committee may also provide professional development and support for substitute teachers.

Monitoring – Members of this committee share the task of attending each meeting of the Board of Trustees, and reporting back to the WTA President.

Credentials – This group is the greeters at our Council meetings. They maintain the attendance of each meeting.

Elections and Nominations – This committee is responsible for the organization of the annual election of the WTA Executive.

Distinguished Service Award – This committee meets to process any nominations for the Distinguished Service Award.

Equity and Social Justice – This committee seeks to examine and make recommendations to the executive or council for action/response concerning equity and social justice.

Political Action – This committee seeks to examine and make recommendations to the executive for action/response concerning political action.