As a member of the WTA you are entitled to certain benefits. For a $180/year membership fee (2024/25), the Winnipeg Teachers’ Association (WTA):
- Participates in the provincial bargaining protocol on behalf of its approximately 3,000 members;
- Manages workplace safety and health issues;
- Monitors a benefits plan for health and dental with Manitoba Public Schools Employees Trust;
- Hosts social events, including retirement receptions;
- Distributes funds from a wellness grant; and
- Provides scholarships and distinguished service awards.
WTA members also are members of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society (MTS), which represents all public school teachers in Manitoba. MTS members pay their membership fee of $1228 (2024/25) in addition to the local WTA fee.
For this annual membership fee, MTS:
- Bargains for at the table with the province for all Manitoba teachers;
- Provides counselling services through Humanacare;
- Provides members with a disability benefits plan;
- Helps to solve conflicts between WTA members;
- Upholds a code of professional practice and misconduct; and
- Provides all members with a membership card.
- Provides access to Union Savings.
- WTA members have the opportunity to participate on standing committees of MTS.
Group Benefits Information
Summaries of MTS Group Benefits:
- Short-Term Disability Benefits Plan
- Long-Term Disability Benefits Plan
- WTA Extended Health and Dental plans document:
- Manitoba Public School Employee Benefit plans
- Pension information
- Deferred Salary Leave Plan
- Optional Life Insurance
- Maternity, Parental and Adoptive Leave Package