204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca

WTA Council Reps

What do Council Reps Do?

The Council of the Winnipeg Teachers’ Association (WTA) is responsible for making decisions that direct the Executive to:

  • Take action on issues;
  • Create special committees of Council to address a concern; or
  • Create a WTA policy.

Additionally, the Council approves the budget, and resolutions taken to the Annual General Meeting of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society.

A Council Representative acts as liaison between the Council and the staff of their school or location, reporting to staff and membership about what transpires at Council meetings.

They also:

  • Bring staff concerns or issues of importance to the Council meeting;
  • Act as the contact point for other WTA members;
  • Are involved in the Executive elections and contract ratification votes; and
  • Must decide how to vote on major issues being presented to Council – this may include having a vote at the location they represent and then voting that way, or listening to the discussion at Council meetings and voting based upon debate feedback.

Reminders for Council Reps

It is important to read the Council kit (emailed out by the WTA office) prior to each meeting. All Council Reps and alternates in each school will be emailed this kit. Each kit will outline the details of the meeting, including agenda changes, topics/motions to be discussed and more.

Haven’t received your Council kit? Please contact the WTA office at 204-831-7104 or email admin@wta.mb.ca.

As a Council Representative it is not your responsibility to become involved in disputes between members / students / parents, or to interpret the Collective Agreement or School Board Policy for other members.

Interested in Becoming a Council Rep?

If you’re interested in becoming a council rep for your school or location, contact us. Call the WTA office at 204-831-7104 or email admin@wta.mb.ca and we’ll make sure you have all of the information you need to become a rep.