204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca



I. The Executive Nominating & Elections Committee shall solicit candidates to represent a cross section of the membership.

II. There shall be a forum for all Executive candidates at the March Council meeting.

III. Procedure
A. There shall be four different ballots used. Each ballot shall be a different colour and shall have the names in a different order. The procedures shall be:

1. random order by drawing for ballot #1;
2. start with the fifth name on ballot #1 for ballot #2;
3. start with the tenth name on ballot #2 for ballot #3;
4. start with the fifteenth name on ballot #3 for ballot #4.

B. Each school shall receive some ballots of each colour.

C. Under the direction of the Returning Officer, each voter shall sign the voting register. When voting has been completed, the Returning Officer shall counter-sign the register and shall ensure that the number of ballots corresponds to the number of signatures. When the number of ballots is in excess of the number of signatures, all ballots in the electoral unit shall be declared void.

D. Electoral units whose ballots are void shall be informed in writing.

E. The Executive, on recommendation of the Chief Returning Officer, shall name two Assistant Returning Officers for the counting of ballots. The Chief Returning Officer and the two Assistant Returning Officers shall be present on the afternoon and evening of ballot counting. (May 24, 1988)

F. Election results shall be sent to all Council representatives and alternates, within two weeks of the election. (December 13, 1993)

IV. The Nominating Committee shall announce an interim list of candidates at the February Council meeting. Council shall be informed that further nominations may be made at that Council meeting and as governed by the Constitution. (Amended February 17, 1986)

V. Members of the current Executive must declare their candidacy, including Table Officer positions, by the February Council meeting. (Amended April 13, 1992)

VI. Withdrawals from candidacy for any position shall be in writing to the Chief Returning Officer only. (December 13, 1993)

VII. Persons who withdraw their candidacy for the position of President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer after the February Council meeting shall be prohibited from accepting nominations for any of those positions for that election.

VIII. If the difference of ballots cast for any specific position is 5% or lower between the position in question and the next highest total, an automatic recount shall occur. If the difference is higher than 5% and less than 10% the recount shall be at the discretion of the Chief Returning Officer. (April 18, 1983)

IX. Election biographies shall have a limit of 200 words and that definite and indefinite articles and conjunctions shall be included. (May 8, 1990)

X. All candidates will be contacted by the Chief Returning Officer with the results of the election on the evening of ballot counting. (December 13, 1993)


A. WTA Vice-Presidential Process

(i) The election shall be conducted by the Chair of the WTA Executive Nominating and Elections Committee who shall act as the Chief Returning Officer (CRO).
(ii) All Executive members wishing to declare their candidacy for the position of WTA Vice-President shall indicate their intention to the WTA office by no later than 4:00 PM seven (7) days prior to the election occurring.
(iii) Other Executive candidates may also be nominated by 12:00 Noon on the day prior to the election. These nominations must be in writing and require the signatures of ten (10) Council Representatives.

B. Council Process

(i) Prior to the election, the CRO shall name up to four (4) Council Representatives to assist in the electoral process. These individuals shall collect ballots and assist in the count.
(ii) The CRO shall conduct a candidate’s forum at the Council meeting during which the election will occur.
(iii) Each candidate shall be given five (5) minutes to speak to the Council prior to the election. The speaking order shall be determined by random draw.
(iv) No election materials will be distributed in the Auditorium. Campaign materials and campaigning may occur outside the Auditorium prior to the start of the Council meeting.

C. Voting Process

(i) Each WTA Council Representative and/or official Alternate shall receive a ballot. An official Alternate shall be defined as the person named by the electoral unit who is representing a regular WTA Council Representative unable to attend the meeting.
(ii) The successful candidate requires 50% plus one of the votes, based on the eligible number of Council Representatives present at the meeting.
(iii) Should no candidate receive 50% plus one in the first ballot, the candidate with the least number of votes is dropped from the list. This process of dropping the candidate with the least number of votes will continue through subsequent ballots until there are two (2) candidates.
(iv) The ballots shall be counted by the CRO, the Council Representatives named by the CRO, the Business Agent and the Administrative Assistant.

D. Table Officer Positions

(i) If the individual elected to the position of WTA Vice-President is a Table Officer, an election at the same Council meeting shall occur to fill the vacant position.
(ii) The CRO shall call for nominations three times. Nominees for the vacant position may only come from the current Executive. Individuals may be nominated by Executive or Council members.
(iii) Candidates for the position will be given two (2) minutes to speak to Council. The order shall be determined by random draw.
(iv) A vote will occur in the same manner as described for the Vice-President’s position, in Section C.(iii) of this document.