204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca

Distinguished Service Award

Distinguished Service Award

I. The awards shall be called the Distinguished Service Award (for members) and the Honourary Distinguished Service Award (for non-members)

II. An individual shall receive an award only once.

III. Completed nomination forms shall be forwarded to the WTA office by February 15th of each year and shall be accompanied by supporting evidence.

IV. The awards shall be presented at a Council meeting.

V. The award committee shall have the right to nominate candidates.

VI. The award shall consist of an engraved plaque.

VII. Awards may be posthumous.

VIII. The award committee shall be chaired by the Past-President or designate and shall be composed of two (2) Executive members, two (2) members-at-large chosen by Council and one past Distinguished Service Award recipient.

IX. The Distinguished Service Award Committee shall reserve the right not to name a recipient.

X. The criteria shall be:
Major involvement and/or contribution to the Association.