204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca

Council Meetings

Council Meetings

I. Regular Council meetings shall be held monthly from September to June. 

II. Members of The Winnipeg Teachers’ Association elected to the MTS Provincial Executive shall be encouraged to attend WTA Council meetings.

III. The office shall be notified, as soon as possible, of any changes of electoral unit representatives or alternates.

IV. Minutes of the Executive meetings shall be made available at Council meetings.

V. A Question Period shall be a regular part of each Council meeting.

VI. Each Council representative shall be emailed a copy of By-law II at the first Council meeting in September.

VII. Executive members shall have the right to oppose Executive recommendations to Council.

VIII. Council meetings shall commence at 5:45 PM and be a maximum duration of 3 1/2 hours, unless a motion to extend is carried.

IX. If quorum of Council is not within 15 minutes of the designated starting time of Council, no meeting shall be held that day.

X. Any motions dealing with amounts greater than $1000.00 will be presented as Notices of Motion to be moved at a subsequent Council meeting, with the exception of the budgetary process.