204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca



I. General Statements

A. Committees shall regard as priorities the recommendations of the Executive.
B. Committees shall consider the recommendations of the Committee Annual Reports of the previous year.
C. Committees shall prepare a written annual report.
D. Committee reports shall be written.
E. When committee members are in conflict of interest situations:

a) they shall inform the Chairperson of the conflict of interest, and
b) they shall abstain from voting on motions which relate to the conflict of interest.

F. Committee Chairpersons shall notify the office of the date, time and location of all committee meetings.
G. Committees shall be expected to operate within budgetary allotments.
H. Whenever any member of a committee is absent from more than two consecutive regular committee meetings without reasons satisfactory to the Executive that member automatically shall cease to be a member of the committee.

I. Committees of Council:

a) Credentials Committee
b) Executive Nominating and Elections Committee

II. Committee Meetings

A. A committee meeting will be considered to have taken place only when notice of the meeting has been sent to all committee members through the chairperson. Included in the notice of meeting shall be a brief agenda, time, date and location of the meeting.

B. An emergency meeting of a committee shall only be called after the President of the Association has been contacted.

C. Minutes of the meeting shall be provided to the WTA office, and shall include:

– date of the meeting
– participants (present, regrets, absent)
– location
– start time/finish time
– cost of meeting (food, materials, etc.)
– a short summary of the items discussed and any motions passed
– a list of any recommendations which the Executive might have to consider
– date, location and time of next meeting

D. Committee members, including the chair(s), who require substitute teachers for a meeting or Association business, will request approval by the President, in advance of the substitute request being submitted.

E. A Council Ad Hoc Committee, if reconstituted, shall become the property of the Executive.

III. Executive Standing Committees

A. A committee shall be chaired by an Executive member.

B. Standing Committees shall be the property of the Executive.

C. Standing Committees

1. Constitutional
(a) Annual General Meeting of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Committee
(b) Finance Committee
(c) Group Benefits Committee
(d) Bargaining Committee
(e) Public Relations Committee
(f) Teacher Welfare Committee
(g) Substitute Teachers Committee

2. Other Executive Committees
(a) President’s Committee, consisting of the President and having Vice-President and Business Agent as members.
(b) Monitoring Committee
(c) Distinguished Service Award Committee
(d) Workplace Safety and Health Committee
(e) Winnipeg Principals’/Vice-Principals Liaison Committee
(f) Reception Committee

(g) Equity and Social Justice Committee

(h) Political Action Committee

(i) Ad Hoc Committees

D. The Executive shall name members to any Divisional Committees, as required.

(v) All meeting expense monies will be paid out only after submission of meeting minutes and receipts are sent to the WTA office.

(vi) Committee members, including the chair(s), who require substitute teachers for a meeting or Association business, will request approval by the President, in advance of the substitute request being submitted.