204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca

Elections of Members of the Executive

Elections of Members of the Executive


The Executive Director of the Society, or designate, is the Chief Electoral Officer of the Local and has the authority to oversee the conduct of elections to the Executive, and to resolve disputes about such elections.


There shall be a Local Electoral Officer or Local Elections Committee established in accordance with the Bylaws of the Local which has the authority to conduct the elections to the Executive, in accordance with the Bylaws and Policies of the Local, and subject to the direction of the Chief Electoral Officer. A Member seeking election to the Executive shall not be eligible to be the Local Electoral Officer or a member of the Local Elections Committee.


The Chief Electoral Officer has the discretion to call an election should a vacancy occur in any position on the Executive, at any time during the term of that position, and may determine the rules applicable to such an election.