204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca

Bylaw VI – Meetings of the Members

Meetings of the Members


On receipt of a petition signed by forty‑five (45) members of the Association, the President shall call a meeting of the members.  Such a meeting must take place within two (2) weeks of the receipt of said petition.


A meeting of members may be called for any of the following purposes:

a) to hear reports from the Executive or any committee or committees;
b) to provide a forum for the views of individual members;
c) to compel the resignation of an Executive member or Executive members pursuant to Section 11 of the Association Constitution. 


The Executive or any committee may hold meetings of members for the purpose of disseminating information, discussing problems and/or studying any aspects of concern to the profession, provided only that the Executive shall have approved the date, place, and time of such meetings and that any decisions made at such a meeting shall constitute a recommendation to the Executive and be submitted in the form of a report to the Executive.


The May meeting of the Local shall include an agenda for the consideration of:

a) the approval of the annual budget of the Local for the following School Year;
b) the approval of the Required Membership Fees of the Local. Members working part-time may have fees pro-rated;
c) such other general and new business as determined by the Members:
d) Council powers being granted to the Executive for the Summer Break; and
e) naming the Local Credentials Chairperson.