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By-Law IV – Committees of the Association

Committees of the Association


Every committee established under the Constitution and Bylaws shall include amongst its membership one (1) member of the Executive who may be the chairperson of such committee.  Either this member or the chairperson shall be responsible for reporting the activities thereof to the Executive at such time and in such manner as the Executive may decide from time to time.  The President shall be a member, ex‑officio, of all committees.


Committees of Council:

a) Executive Nominating and Elections Committee.

b) Credentials Committee – this committee shall consist of the chairpersons, and at least one (1) other member of the Association.  It shall be responsible for checking attendance at Council and reporting same to the Vice-President.  It shall also be responsible for other duties as assigned by the Vice-President.

c) Distinguished Service Award – this committee shall be chaired by the Past-President or designate and shall be composed two (2) Executive members, two (2) Members and one past Distinguished Service Award recipient.


The Council of the Local shall establish terms of reference for any ad hoc committees, which include the responsibilities, composition, and term of the Committee, and shall appoint a Chairperson for the Committee.


Executive Standing Committees – each year the Executive shall appoint the following standing committees and such additional committees as may be decided.  The Chair of a Standing Committee shall be named by the President, in consultation with the Executive. The chairperson shall be responsible to the Executive and for reporting to Council.  The members of the committees shall be named by the Executive.

(a) Bargaining Committee

i) This committee shall consist of a maximum of fifteen (15) persons.

ii) This committee shall be chaired by the Vice-President and shall also include the President of the Association. The Vice-President will be the Local Bargaining Representative for the Association.

iii) The Vice-President shall recommend to the Executive for its approval the membership of the committee.

iv) The Bargaining Committee will follow the MTS Provincial Bargaining Protocol for timelines and contributions.

vii) The Bargaining Committee that begins the collective bargaining process shall continue the process until the Collective Agreement is ratified.

viii) The Bargaining Committee may be augmented by other Association members in a consultative role.

(b) Public Relations Committee
This committee shall consist of the Vice-President and at least three (3) other members of the Association.  It shall conduct such public relations activities as directed by the Executive and develop a public relations policy and program for approval by the Executive.

(c) Wellness Committee

This committee shall consist of the Chair and at least four (4) other members of the Association.  The committee shall consider teacher wellness.

(d) Committee for the Provincial Council of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society

This committee shall consist of the chairperson, at least one (1) other member of the Executive, and at least three (3) other members of the Association.  Its duties shall be:
i) to present names of candidates to Executive and Council for election to the Provincial Executive of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society;
ii) to prepare a roster, by lottery draw, of member representatives for the Provincial Council;
iii) to prepare and to process resolutions for presentation to the Executive and Council;
iv) to inform delegates of Association policy pertaining to resolutions; and
v) to assume responsibility for the Association’s delegation at the Annual General Meeting of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society.

(e) Finance Committee

This committee shall consist of the chairperson, who shall be the Treasurer, three (3) other members of the Council, and two (2) members at large.  This committee shall consider the financial position of the Association, arrange a budget and, in general, act as financial advisers to the Executive.  This committee also shall be the Trustees of all Association funds.

(f) Group Benefits Committee

This committee shall consist of the chairperson and at least three (3) other members of the Association.  It shall be concerned with all matters related to benefit plans for members and, without restricting any of the foregoing, it shall supervise insurance plans operated for the benefit of the members.

(g) Reception Committee

This committee shall consist of the Chair and at least five (5) other Members of the Association.  It will be responsible for the organization of receptions, including the Retirement Reception, the Distinguished Service Award Reception, and other social events.

(h) Equity and Social Justice Committee

This committee shall consist of the Chair and a minimum of five (5) other Members of the Association with a maximum number of Members being seven (7).  It shall be concerned with and monitor issues and concerns related to equity in education; and pursue an active program of equity and social justice awareness for the benefit of the membership.

(i) Political Action Committee

This committee shall consist of the Chair and a minimum of three (3) members of the Association.  It shall be work on building stronger ties to other labour groups/ members. Member engagement and political action are focal activities of the committee.

(j) Workplace Safety and Health Committee

This committee shall consist of the Chair and at least five (5) members of the Association.  The role of the committee shall include, but not limited to:

i) Monitoring the implementation and application of applicable workplace safety and health policy and legislation;
ii) Participating in the development, implementation and delivery of workplace safety and health training to members of the Local;
iii) Making recommendations for action to the Executive of the Local.

(k) Substitute Teachers Committee

This Committee shall consist of eight (8) members, including the chairperson, five (5) substitute teachers and two (2) members-at-large who are not substitute teachers. Under the direction, and with the approval of the Executive, the committee may plan programs and provide a forum for communication to address the needs of substitute teachers.

4.5 Each committee, in addition to any responsibility outlined herein, shall carry out such duties as may be assigned to it by the Executive from time to time.