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By-Law III – Executive Of The Association

By-Law III – Executive Of The Association

Executive Of The Association
(hereinafter referred to as “the Executive”)


There shall be an Executive of the Association consisting of the President, Vice‑President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past‑President of the Association, and up to nine (9) additional members.  The Business Agent shall have the right to attend Executive meetings and shall have the right to participate in debate.


The Executive shall have powers and duties including the following:

a) to conduct the day‑to‑day business of the Association;
b) to carry out the instructions given to it by the Council;
c)  to delegate responsibilities not defined by this Constitution or bylaws to any one or more of its Association members.

3.3 Meetings of the Executive:

(a) The new Executive shall assume office on June 15th
(b) The Executive shall meet within fifteen (15) days following the date of assuming office, at which time the Chairpersons shall be elected to the standing committees.  The agenda of the first meeting should provide constitutional information, the functions of current committees, history of current problems, and designation of Executive assignments to become effective June 15th;
(c) The Executive shall hold at least eight (8) additional meetings during its term of office;
(d) The President shall have the power to call a meeting of the Executive at any time;
(e) At the request of any group of four (4) members of the Executive the President must call a meeting; and
(f) Notice of special meetings to a member of the Executive may be given in writing or by telephone and such notice shall be deemed sufficient if given to the last known address of the member of the Executive.


Members of the Executive shall hold a one (1) year term of office beginning June 15th following the May Council Meeting.


Any seven (7) members of the Executive attending a meeting of same shall constitute a quorum.


The Members shall determine the release time of the President and Vice President of the Local and any other Members of the Executive, subject to the terms of the Collective Agreement and the Budget of the Local.


The positions of President and Vice-President of the Local are full time positions. The Local shall second the Members from the Division and compensate the Division appropriately.


Subject to the approved Budget of the Local, the Local shall endeavor to provide compensation for release time to the Member, as though the Member of the Executive teaches or works for the equivalent of the release time, and no Member of the Executive shall suffer a reduction in salary that would be earned pursuant to the Collective Agreement as a result of occupying a position on the Executive with release time.

Table Officers of the Association

The table officers of the Association shall be the President, the
Vice‑President, the Past‑President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.


The officers of the Association, excepting the Past‑President, shall be elected by the members as hereinafter provided.


The duties and powers of the respective table officers of the Association shall include the following:

(a) The President shall:

I) communicate on behalf of the Local;
ii) preside at all meetings of the Council and of the Executive;
iii) be, ex‑officio, a member of all committees;
iv) be a signing officer for the Local;
v) supervise staff hired by the Local;
vi) authorize the expenditures of the Local excluding those of the President;
vii) perform all duties as customarily devolve upon a President in addition to any other duties which be assigned by the Executive or Council.

(b) The Vice‑President shall:

i) assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in case of absence, or when requested to do so by the President;
ii) be responsible for election of Council representatives;
iii) be a signing officer for the Local and authorize expenditures excluding those of the Vice-President;
iv) be a member of the Divisional Workplace Safety and Health Committees; and
v) perform all other duties which may be assigned by the Executive or Council.

c) The Secretary shall:

i) chair the Monitoring Committee and ensure attendance of a member at all School Board meetings. The chair shall ensure that a written and/or oral report is provided at Executive meetings;
ii) keep all minutes of the Council, the Executive and the members as defined in Article 8.10 of the Constitution;
iii) keep all minutes of Table Officers’ meetings and provide a written and/or oral report at Executive meetings.

d) The Treasurer shall:

i) act as chairperson of the Finance Committee;
ii) submit an annual report on receipts, investments, and expenditures, such report having been duly audited by an auditor or auditors recommended by the Finance Committee to Council within four (4) months of the fiscal year end;
(iii) present semi-annual financial statements to Council;
iv) make other reports on the finances of the Local as requested by the Executive or the Council;
v) preserve the financial records of the Local, which records shall belong to the Local:
vi) ensure that financial records are preserved for at least seven (7) years
vii) prepare and to present a written budget to the Executive and the Council in advance of the May Council of the Local;
viii) ensure that appropriate procedures are in place to process receipts, investments, and expenditures;
ix) perform such duties as the President, Executive, Council or Membership shall assign.

e) The Past-President/or Designate shall:

i) act as chairperson of the Distinguished Service Award Committee;
ii) act as chairperson of the Executive Nominating and Elections Committee;
iii) act as Chief Ratification Officer for the ratification of the collective agreement; and
iv) serve a term limited to one year.