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By-Law II – Council Representatives and Electoral Units

By-Law II – Council Representatives and Electoral Units



Council shall be composed of the Executive and the Council Representatives elected from each electoral unit. 


An Alternate shall assume the duties of the Council Representative in the absence of that Council Representative. 


Each worksite constitutes an electoral unit. Substitute Teachers also constitute an electoral unit. 


The number of Council Representatives from each worksite shall be determined according to the following:

     1 to 25 members ‑ 1 representative

     26 to 50 members ‑ 2 representatives

     51 plus members ‑ 3 representatives


The number of Alternates from each worksite shall be determined according to the following:

     1 to 25 members ‑ 1 alternate

     26 to 50 members ‑ 2 alternates

     51 plus members ‑ 3 alternates


The following shall be defined as electoral units:

(a)       the members employed in each named school of the Winnipeg School Division;

(b)       the members employed by the Child Guidance Clinic of the Winnipeg School Division;

(c)       the members of any other group declared an electoral unit from time to time by the Council.


There shall be established a Council of the Association which shall consist of the following members:

(a)       all the representatives duly elected by each of the electoral units will serve a one-year term;

(b)       every member of the Executive of the Association;

(c)       every member who is a member of the Provincial Executive of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society.


Each of the aforesaid members of the Council is hereinafter referred to as “the representative”. 


The Council of the Association shall be called by: 

            (a) the authority of the President;

            (b) the President as instructed by the Executive; or

            (c) the President as instructed by the Council.


The powers of the Council shall include the following:

(a)       to exercise such powers as it may deem necessary or advisable for the welfare of the Association and its members;

(b)       to amend the Constitution and By‑laws according to Article 15;

(c)       to determine the policy of the Association on all matters within its competence;

(d)       to authorize, by by‑law, the selection of one alternate representative for each representative elected by each electoral unit and, in that event, the words “the representative” as used herein shall mean either the elected representative or the selected alternative representative;

(e)       to do any other matter or thing consistent with the objects of the Association

Meetings of the Council


Meetings of the Council include: 

(a)       Meetings of the Council shall be open to all members.

(b)       The Council shall meet at such times and at such places as it may determine but, in any event, shall meet no fewer than four (4) times in any one year.

(c)       The President may call a meeting of the Council at any time, or, at the written request of any five (5) members of the Executive, must call a meeting provided that notice of such meeting is given to each representative.

(d)       Notice of meetings of the Council shall be given to representatives not less than forty‑eight (48) hours prior to the date of such meeting, except in the case of emergency meetings.

(e)       The President may call an emergency meeting of the Council at any time, or at the written request of any five (5) Executive members; or at the written request of any forty‑five (45) representatives must call an emergency meeting of the Council for a specific purpose which shall be a matter of record, and such meeting shall be deemed to be an emergency meeting of the Association.  Representatives must be notified and the agenda for such a meeting shall deal only with the purpose for which it is called.

Vacancies on Council


A vacancy on the Council shall occur in any of the following circumstances: 

  • An Electoral Unit of Council fails to report an election of Representatives or Alternates;
  • The resignation or retirement of a Member of the Council
  • A Member of the Council being unable to act; or
  • The removal from office of a Member of the Executive, pursuant to Article 10 of the Constitution of the Local.


A vacancy on the Council shall be filled:

(a)       by the Alternate from the electoral unit in which the vacancy has occurred; or

(b)       If the Alternate is not available or willing to fill the vacancy, the electoral unit in which the vacancy has occurred shall elect or appoint a replacement Council Representative as soon as reasonably possible. 



Quorum includes:

(a)       The quorum for the transaction of business at a duly constituted meeting of the Council shall be forty (40) elected representatives of the Council.

(b)       If the quorum for a Council meeting is not met, the Council meeting may continue on an informational basis but no votes on business matters shall be conducted. The President has the discretion to schedule a Special Council meeting to conduct the required business, or the Executive or the Council may instruct the President to schedule a Special Council meeting to conduct the required business.

(c)       The quorum for the transaction of business at an emergency meeting of the Council shall be forty-five (45) elected representatives of the Council.

Procedure at Meetings


Council procedures are:

(a)       Any member shall be allowed to speak, provided prior notice has been given to an officer of the Association.  When no prior notice is given, at the discretion of the Chairperson, any member may be allowed to speak at such meeting.

(b)       All members, whether representatives or not, will be required to conform to the rules of procedure established by the Council.

(c)       Only elected representatives present at a duly constituted meeting of the Council may vote on any matter placed before the Council.  The decision of a majority of the representatives present shall constitute the decision of the Council, except as may be provided otherwise by the Association Constitution and Bylaws.