204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca

3. Salary, Allowances and Deductions

3. Salary, Allowances and Deductions


Each School Division shall maintain their current salary schedules that were in effect on June 30, 2022 for the duration of this Collective Agreement with the following general percentage increases applied. The salary schedules are contained in Appendix #1 of this Collective Agreement.

2022/2023 2.5%
2023/2024 2.75%
2024/2025 3.0%
2025/2026 3.0% with a Teacher retention adjustment of 1% on Feb.1, 2026.

Effective on the last day of the Collective Agreement and to be implemented on the first day of the of the September 2026/2027 school year, all teachers will fall under the following harmonized salary scale:

Years Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7
0 54,276 60,438 67,500 70,379 75,121 79,774 84,414
1 55,434 62,054 69,523 74,003 78,899 83,761 88,621
2 56,592 63,671 71,547 77,626 82,677 87,749 92,827
3 57,750 65,287 73,570 81,250 86,454 91,737 97,034
4 58,908 66,904 75,593 84,873 90,232 95,724 101,241
5 60,066 68,520 77,616 88,497 94,010 99,712 105,448
6 61,223 70,137 79,640 92,121 97,788 103,700 109,654
7 62,381 71,753 81,663 95,744 101,566 107,687 113,861
8 99,368 105,344 111,675 118,068
9 102,991 109,122 115,663 122,274
10 106,615 112,900 119,650 126,481


1. Teachers employed under contract on a part-time basis shall be paid at a prorated rate based on their FTE.

2. Part-timeTeachers shall participate in school activities that occur during the regular School Day when required by the Division, unless there are extenuating circumstances that prevent the Teacher from participating. When the Division makes such requirement, the part-time Teacher shall receive a pro-rata share of their Per Diem for the time spent participating in the activities during the regular School Day which is over and above the Teacher’s regular scheduled teaching time.

3. By mutual agreement between the Teacher and the School Division, time in lieu of compensation

may be given.

4. Part-time Teachers will receive a pro-rated portion of all benefits and leaves for all Articles of the Collective Agreement unless another provision is outlined in a given Article of this Collective Agreement.

5. If a Teacher has a portion of their duties that is eligible for an allowance, the allowance will be pro-rated based on the FTE percentage of time performing that function unless another provision is outlined in a given article of this Collective Agreement.

6. Part-time Teachers joining a School Division after the start of the School Year will be entitled to a pro-rated share of their annual benefit entitlement. For pro-rated leaves, the School Division shall divide the benefit by the number of School Days in a School Year and calculate what percentage the Teacher would be entitled to based on their FTE and round up to the nearest half (1/2) day.

7. When a Teacher’s FTE changes, their leave accumulation (leaves that are carried over from one (1) School Year to another) shall also change to reflect the change in FTE. The School Division shall consider a “day is a day” meaning that the leave entitlement carried over also changes by either increasing or decreasing. In other words, a Teacher who switches from a 1.0 FTE to a 0.5 FTE shall retain the number of leave days accumulated but the day’s value changes.


Appendix #2 attached to the Collective Agreement outlines the above or similar positions within School Divisions and the current salaries (plus GPI).


Appendix #3 attached to the Collective Agreement outlines the above or similar positions within School Divisions and the current salaries (plus GPI).


1. In the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, where a School Division undertakes student Indigenous language programming to teach students Indigenous languages, Teachers who teach and meet the following criteria will receive an allowance per School Year.

2. Where a Teacher demonstrates an acceptable level of fluency in an Indigenous language and

meets the following criteria:

a) Teaches the language at least twelve percent (12%) of the time; or

b) Uses the language for interpreting and assisting the Principal in the school or for communicating with students and parents;

The Teacher shall be paid an allowance per annum: TO BE ADDED


Teachers who work in a School Division outside of the City of Winnipeg, who must relocate their residence within a School Division due to a School Division-initiated transfer, and whose relocation exceeds 50 kilometers, shall be reimbursed by the School Division moving expenses to a maximum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) upon presenting receipts to the School Division.


Effective no later than the start of the 2025-2026 School Year:

1. Teachers shall normally be paid one-twenty-fourth (1/24) of their annualized salary rate on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month and on or before the last business day of each month, September to August inclusive in which services were provided from the first (1st) teaching day of a semi-monthly pay period.

2. In the case of a Teacher commencing employment on a teaching day other than the first (1st) teaching day of the pay period, the Teacher shall be paid, for that pay period, the proportion of the number of days worked to the total number of teaching days in the pay period multiplied by one-twenty fourth (1/24) of the Teacher’s annualized salary rate.

3. Where a Teacher leaves the employ of the School Division during the course of the School Year, the final salary payment shall be so adjusted that the Teacher shall receive, for the part of the year worked, such fraction of the salary for the whole year as the number of days worked is of the number of School Days in the current School Year.

4. Teachers who are on a Limited Term Contract will have accrued salary paid out as follows:

a) On the last pay period of when their contract expired, or

b) If the Teacher works until the end of the School Year, as of the last business day of June.

5. School Divisions operating on a twenty-six (26) pay period system as of July 1, 2022, are able to maintain that system.

6. Direct Deposit of Salaries: Salary payments shall be made via electronic direct deposit into a single account as designated by the Teacher.


1. Society dues for a School Year will be deducted from every participating Teacher. These deductions will be made in equal installments as per the method of pay outlined in Article 3.07 Method of Payment, according to the scale of dues established by the Society, starting with the first (1st) September pay period. Society dues will be forwarded to the Society, normally not later than the twentieth (20th) day of the following calendar month.

2. Association dues will be deducted from every Teacher. These deductions will be made in equal installments as per the method of pay outlined in Article 3.07 Method of Payment, in accordance with the current rate of dues set by the Association. The dues will be remitted to the Association not later than the twentieth (20th) day of the calendar month following the month of collection.

3. For new Teachers starting during the School Year, a pro-rated deduction of Union dues as set out in Article 3.08 shall become effective from the start of the first (1st) pay period immediately following the commencement of employment.

4. The Association/Society shall notify the School Division in writing by the end of June of any changes in the annual dues of the Association/Society. Any such change shall be effective the following September.

5. The Association/Society shall indemnify and save harmless the School Division from any and all losses, costs, liabilities, or expenses suffered or sustained by the School Division as a result of legal action arising from the deduction of Association/Society dues provided, however, that should the Association/Society so require, it shall be permitted to take over and conduct such legal action and make such settlement thereof as it shall see fit.


1. The School Division shall pay to Teachers interest on any retroactive payment owed to the

Teachers. The interest shall be calculated from the date on which the monies would have been

due to the actual date of payment. The interest shall be calculated on the gross amount of any

retroactive pay due, less the amount of any statutory deductions including Canada Pension,

Employment Insurance, and Income Tax, and less other payroll/benefit deductions with respect

to that pay.

2. InterestshallbecomputedattheaverageinterestoftheSchoolDivision’ssavingsaccountatits financial institution during the twelve (12) month period preceding the calculation date or at seven percent (7%), whichever is the lesser rate.


The Society, the School Division, and Canada Revenue Agency recognize the additional cost of travel associated with living in the North. As such, a portion of the annual salary has been identified as northern travel allowance in the Collective Bargaining Agreement as follows:

The School Division shall pay to Teachers interest on any retroactive payment owed to the

Teachers. The interest shall be calculated from the date on which the monies would have been

due to the actual date of payment. The interest shall be calculated on the gross amount of any

retroactive pay due, less the amount of any statutory deductions including Canada Pension,

Employment Insurance, and Income Tax, and less other payroll/benefit deductions with respect

to that pay.

Flin Flon School Division Kelsey School Division
School District of Mystery Lake

$3,000 $4,000 $4,000

The Teachers’ Association’s of the Society of the above listed School Divisions agree to and do hereby indemnify and save the School Division harmless for all claims, demands, actions, and proceedings of any kind and from all costs which may arise or be taken against the School Division administering a portion of the Teacher’s salary as Northern Allowance and reporting the same for tax purposes to Revenue Canada.