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Appendix 4 – Principal and Vice Principal Allowances

Appendix 4 – Principal and Vice Principal Allowances – Winnipeg

Winnipeg        Principles

(i) Annual Salary Effective 1st day of Fall Term 2022

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Maximum
I Principal - enrolment up to 225 104,862 111,357 117,856 124,352
II Principal - enrolment 226 - 450 110,677 117,365 124,051 130,739
III Principal - enrolment 451 - 675 116,490 123,363 130,241 137,122
IV Principal - enrolment 676 - 1,000 122,298 129,395 136,492 143,588
V Principal - enrolment over 1,000 128,111 136,008 143,901 151,796

Annual Salary Effective 1st day of Fall Term 2023

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Maximum
I Principal - enrolment up to 225 107,745 114,419 121,097 127,772
II Principal - enrolment 226 - 450 113,721 120,592 127,462 134,334
III Principal - enrolment 451 - 675 119,694 126,755 133,822 140,893
IV Principal - enrolment 676 - 1,000 125,661 132,953 140,246 147,537
V Principal - enrolment over 1,000 131,634 139,749 147,858 155,971

Annual Salary Effective 1st day of Fall Term 2024

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Step 3
I Principal - enrolment up to 225 110,978 117,852 124,729 131,605
II Principal - enrolment 226 - 450 117,133 124,210 131,286 138,364
III Principal - enrolment 451 - 675 123,285 130,558 137,837 145,120
IV Principal - enrolment 676 - 1,000 129,431 136,942 144,453 151,963
V Principal - enrolment over 1,000 135,583 143,941 152,294 160,650

Annual Salary Effective 1st day of Fall Term 2025

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Maximum
I Principal - enrolment up to 225 114,307 121,387 128,471 135,553
I I Principal - enrolment 226 - 450 120,647 127,936 135,224 142,515
I I I Principal - enrolment 676 - 1,000 126,983 134,475 141,972 149,474
I V Principal - enrolment 676 - 1,000 133,314 141,050 148,787 156,522
V Principal - enrolment over 1,000 139,650 148,259 156,863 165,469

Annual Salary Effective 1st day of February 2026

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Maximum
I Principal - enrolment up to 225 115,450 122,601 129,756 136,908
I I Principal - enrolment 226 - 450 121,853 129,215 136,577 143,940
I I I Principal - enrolment 451 - 675 128,253 135,819 1 143,392 150,968
I V Principal - enrolment 676 - 1,000 134,647 142,461 150,274 158,087
V Principal - enrolment over 1,000 141,047 149,742 158,431 167,124

As long as the administrator of the Diagnostic Learning Centre is both a principal of the host school and administrator of the Centre he/she shall receive an additional allowance of $6,379 the first day of the fall term 2022, and $6,554.00 the first day of the fall term, 2023, and $6,751 the first day of the fall term 2024, $6,953 the first day of the fall term 2025, and $7,023 the first day of February 2026.


(i) Annual Salary Effective 1st day of Fall Term 2022

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Maximum
A Teaching Vice-Principal 97,308 104,074 110,837 117,604
B Supervising Vice Principal 104,860 110,428 116,000 121,568
C Supervising Vice Principal 110,677 116,619 122,557 128,500

Annual Salary Effective 1st day of Fall Term 2023

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Maximum
A Teaching Vice-Principal 99,984 106,936 113,885 120,839
B Supervising Vice Principal 107,743 113,465 119,190 124,911
C Supervising Vice Principal 113,721 119,826 125,928 132,034

(i) Annual Salary Effective 1st day of Fall Term 2024

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Maximum
A Teaching Vice-Principal 102,984 110,145 117,302 124,464
B Supervising Vice Principal 110,975 116,869 122,766 128,659
C Supervising Vice Principal 117,133 123,421 129,705 135,995

Annual Salary Effective 1st day of Fall Term 2025

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Maximum
A Teaching Vice-Principal 106,073 113,449 120,821 128,198
B Supervising Vice Principal 114,305 120,375 126,449 132,518
C Supervising Vice Principal 120,647 127,124 133,597 140,075

Annual Salary Effective 1st day of February 2026

Class Description of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Maximum
A Teaching Vice-Principal 107,134 114,583 122,029 129,480
B Supervising Vice Principal 115,448 121,579 127,713 133,843
C Supervising Vice Principal 121,853 128,395 134,932 141,476
A vice-principal will be assigned to Lord Roberts so long as the Ellen Douglas program is assigned to that school and shall be designated as a Class B Supervising Vice-Principal.

The vice-principals of the Adult Education Centre shall be designated as Class “C” supervising vice-principals. In the event that the responsibility for the Adult English as an Additional Language program is removed from the designated supervising vice-principal position, then that position will be reclassified to Class “B”.

Winnipeg        Provisions Governing the Application of the Salary Schedules set forth in Article 10.01 (a) and
(b) shall be as follows:

(a) Initial Salary and Increments for Principals and Vice-Principals

(i) Upon first appointment to an administrative position a teacher shall be placed on the appropriate salary scale at a step which provides for a minimum increase of $8,236.00 effective the first day of the fall term 2022, and $8,256.00 effective the first day of fall term, 2023 and $8,504.00 effective the first day of the fall term 2024, and $8,759.00 effective the first day of the fall term 2025 and $8,846.00 effective the first day of February 2026 (unless limited by the maximum for the position), or the minimum for the position, whichever will be greater.

(ii) The Division will upon initial appointment of a person referred to in Article 10.01 (a) and (b) pay an initial starting salary which is the greater of the salary determined in Article 10.02(a)(i) or the minimum for the position plus an amount equal to one (1) annual increment, except as may be limited by the maximum for the position, for each year of administrative or supervisory experience obtained in the seven (7) years immediately prior to the effective date of the initial appointment.

(iii) On the promotion of a principal or vice-principal from one (1) classification to another or the upward reclassification of a school, a promotional increment shall be paid except as limited by the maximum of the new classification.

(iv) Principal and Vice-Principal promotion:
Upon promotion, an employee shall receive a salary within the salary range applicable to her new school classification, which provides an increase of at least 5% of her former salary.

(b) Classification of Schools

(i) For the purpose of classifying schools, the following shall be used to determine the

(a) Each pupil enrolled in a day program shall be counted as one (1).

(b) Each junior high pupil accommodated at another junior high, junior/senior, or senior high school for industrial arts or home economics shall be counted at .08 at the receiving school.

(c) Each pupil enrolled in a summer or evening program administered by the Adult Education Centre, shall be counted as one-quarter (1/4).

(ii) (a) Schools shall be classified annually on June 1 to be effective September 1 following on the basis of the average enrolment during the current school year as determined by this clause.

(b) Upon the recommendation of the Chief Superintendent a school may remain in its existing classification for a period not to exceed one (1) year if the average attendance figures are in a range of plus or minus twenty-five (25) of the previous classification even though the average figures may warrant a different classification.

(c) If there is an anticipated significant enrolment change in a school then the school may be classified on the basis of the projected enrolment rather than the previous year’s average enrolment upon the recommendation of the Chief Superintendent.

(c) Establishment of Principalships and Vice-Principalships

Principals and vice-principals shall be appointed in accordance with the following rules. All appointments made in accordance with the rules below shall be subject to the provisions of Article 10.02(b)(ii):

(i) All principalships shall be full-time supervising principals except when the population of the school is 110 (+/-10) at which point the principal shall have a minimum of halftime for school administration with the remaining time to be assigned by the Division.

(ii) A teaching vice-principal shall be relieved of classroom duties for a minimum of onehalf (1/2) time.

(iii) An “A” vice-principal shall be appointed when the student enrolment is 350 to 650 inclusive.

(iv) A “B” vice-principal shall be appointed when the student enrolment is 651 to 900 inclusive.

(v) In addition to a “B” vice-principal an “A” vice-principal shall be appointed when the student enrolment is 901 to 1175 inclusive.

(vi) In addition to a “B” vice-principal a second “B” vice-principal shall be appointed when the student enrolment is 1176 to 1325 inclusive.
(vii) Two “C” vice-principals shall be appointed when the enrolment is 1326 to 1475 inclusive.

(viii) In addition to two “C” vice-principals, an “A” vice-principal shall be appointed when the enrolment exceeds 1475.

(ix) Notwithstanding the above, the Division may, at its discretion, appoint a VicePrincipal in excess of the rules as outlined in this article. The Division shall notify the Association of its intention to exercise this discretion.

(d) Reclassification of Principals and Vice-Principals

(i) Principals and vice-principals of schools which are reclassified to a lower classification will maintain the salary level of the former classification of the school for a period of two (2) school years. During this period of time, efforts would be made by the individual and the Division to provide reassignment to a position at the same or higher level of classification as the incumbent’s current classification. If no reassignment has occurred by the end of the two (2) year period, the incumbent’s salary level shall remain constant until the salary level of the new classification has been reached.

(ii) Transfers of administrative personnel to a lower classification, when initiated by the Division, for reason other than demotion shall not result in a decrease in salary and Clause 10.02(d)(i) shall not apply.

(e) Administrative Replacements

(i) The Division will normally fill administrative vacancies occurring during the school term as soon as possible.

(ii) Except in the case of vacancies occurring during the last three (3) months of the school term the Division will normally fill administrative vacancies by making permanent replacement within two (2) months of the vacancy occurring.

(iii) In the event that the Division proposes to follow a different course of action than set forth above the Division shall consult with the Association before naming a replacement.