204-831-7104 admin@wta.mb.ca

WTA will be hosting an information meeting on TEAMS on Wednesday, July 24th at 10 a.m.-12 p.m. to go over the changes in the agreement specific to our current WTA agreement. A document listing the changes has been sent to your location Council representative and alternates that can be shared using only personal emails. We will go over the changes we can expect for WTA in the meeting and answer questions. Please also send your questions to provincialbargaining@mbteach.org as they are not only answering your questions, but compiling a FAQ to send out to members.

Any questions you have, please contact our office using a personal email. Since our office is closed for the summer, please contact Gregg and Kristen directly using these emails: Gregg: president@wta.mbteach.org   Kristen: vpres@wta.mb.ca